waste incinerators (industrial / clinical), crematoria (human +
animal), woodworking industry, stones / earth, etc waste water treatment
our customers :
-hospitals -cities -insurance institions -private plants -industry |
presentations / articles of the ETE
Nov. 2022
VDI AK Unternehmer &
Führungskräfte Online Vortrag : Vortrag verfaßt von DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger Vortragender : DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger TIB 02/2023 |
Feb. 2019
Uni Kassel Vortrag: "Erfahrungen, Zyklone, Wäscher / Absorber" Was kann man falsch machen? Vortragender : DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger |
July 2018 |
Uni Kassel Vortrag " (Staub)Abscheider " Vortrag verfaßt von DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger Vortragender : DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger |
2016 |
FH Rosenheim Vortrag "Schadstoffe in der Holzwerkstoffindustrie - Minderung, Nachweise, PDW und Naßelektrofilter" Vortrag verfaßt von Ing. Sabine Stelzer / DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger Vortragender : Ing. Sabine Stelzer / DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger Handout (pdf) (German) |
2006 |
Schadstoffreduktion in der thermischen Abfallbehandlung - Perspektiven und Möglichkeiten Potsdam (presentation) "Nasselektrofilter Glaube - Irrglaube " Vortrag verfaßt von Ing. Sabine Stelzer / DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger Vortragender : Ing. Sabine Stelzer / DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger |
2005 |
"Revamping und Reconstructing - Modewörter oder gangbare Alternativen " Vortrag verfaßt von Ing. Sabine Stelzer / DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger Vortragender : Ing. Sabine Stelzer / DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger |
2004 |
6. Syposium Rauchgasreinigung (presentation) "NOx - Minderung im Gewebefilter " Vortrag verfaßt von Ing. Sabine Stelzer / DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger Vortragender : DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger |
some references
02/2023 |
Integration of an emergency generator for emergency
operation of a crematorium in the event of a blackout (EC) |
10/2022 |
Exchange of the emission data recording of a hazardous
waste incineration plant
06/2022- 09-2022 |
Retrofitting of 2 wet electrostatic precipitators with
water treatment (EC) |
06/2021- 05/2022 |
Construction and design as well as start up support a hot water heat exchanger for a crematorium
03/2022- 09/2022 |
Design of a wet electrostatic precipitator with an
upstream 3-stage direct current scrubber including water treatment
03/2022 | Formaldehyde measurements on a wet scrubber (EC) |
02/2022 |
Dust and heavy metal measurements at an waste wood
incineration plant
IB support for 2 wet electrosttic filters including
water treatment as well as measurements dust; formaldehyde and TOC on wet electrostatic precipitators and press scrubbers (EC; Non EC) |
2020 |
Start up support for 3 wet electrostic filters
including water treatment
(EC; Non EC)
05/2019- 08/2019 |
Design of a small
water treatment system for waste water from a print shop
and startup supervising
(EC) |
11/2017- 02/2018 |
of a combustion plant
projecting of a precoat dosing system
at a seelevel of more than 2300m installation and startup supervising |
new heat-exchanger incl. recalculation and modification for
longer lifespan (clinical waste incinerator) installation and startup supervising (Austria) |
01/2017 |
for a venturi scrubber conception, basic- and detailengineering, (EC) |
- 04/2016 |
conception, basic- and detailengineering, installation and startup supervising (EC) |
- 12/2015 |
conception, basic- and detailengineering, installation and startup supervising ( EC) |
- 7/2014 |
development of a wet electrostatic
precipitator for a plant manufacturer Wood Products Industry Concept; constructive details commissioning support (A) |
- 2014 |
for reducing organic emmissions ( EC) |
2011 |
for special purposes (A) |
2011 |
devoloped and deliverd (A) |
11/2010 |
hazardous waste incinerator combustion process ( EC) |
- 2013 |
for reducing organic emmissions |
- 08/2008 |
line 1 FGCS, line 2 + line 3 complette plant conception, basic- and detailengineering, PLC, and continous emission measurement and monitoring installation and startup supervising (EC) |
(clinical waste incinerator) installation and startup supervising (Austria) |
- |
conception, basic- and detailengineering, PLC installation and startup supervising (Austria) |
- 6/2006 |
(electrical incinerator) conception, basic- and detailengineering, PLC, incl. air heating system and continous emission measurement and monitoring installation and startup supervising (Austria) |
- 3/2006 |
for a high performance cyclone and a venturi scrubber in a chipboard factory |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with wet and dry fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
- |
incl. air heating system and continous emission measurement and monitoring |
- 4/2005 |
for a venturi scrubber in a chipboard factory |
redesigning of waste feedingsystem and primary air (Austria) |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with wet and dry fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
of a wet elecstatic precipitator /condensing wet electrostatic precipitator |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with wet and dry fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
detailengineering of a new non catalytic non sorptive PCDD/F reduction for an existing rotary kiln incinerator of a pharmaceutical company (middle america) |
1/2004 |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
10/2003 |
of a bag filter after a slag recycling plant (Austria) |
12/2004 |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
producer and process independent technical part of the call for tender for the fluegas cleaning system of a crematorium |
7/2003 |
diagnosis and modification recommendations for an existing rotary kiln incinerator of a pharmaceutical company (middle america) |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
of two air preheatres of a biomass- heat plant |
of a bag filter after a recycling plant (Austria) |
2/2003 |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with wet and dry fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
1/2003 |
of a clinical waste incineration plant with fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
(Austria) |
1/2002 |
inspection ( AVV national law according
to2000/76/EC) of a clinical waste incineration plant with fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
inspection ( austrian law for hazardous
waste incineration) of a clinical waste incineration plant with wet and dry fluegas cleaning (Austria) |
12/2001 |
measurement (dust, CO, Hg,...) of a crematorium (Austria) |
11/2001 |
flue gas humidity measurement for a clinical waste incineration plant (Austria) |
3/2001 | approval
process for a industrial waste incineration plant |
- 4/2001 |
basic- and detailengineering of the fluegascleaning for a pet incineration with a high temperature quench instead of a heat exchanger (Switzerland) |
- 2/2001 |
general engineering for redevelopement of a clinical waste incineration plant (Austria) |
12/2000 |
engineering and PLC concept
/ programming for a venturi scrubber in a chipboard factory (Czech Republic) |
10/2000 |
and construction of a continuous emission-monitoring system included a PC based data regsitration clinical waste incineration (Austria) |
1999 |
flue gas
cleaning plant for HF in a steel work ( Böhler / Kapfenberg, Austria) DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger / Ing. Sabine Biermayr be employeed with a renown jet filter producer |
DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger / Ing. Sabine Biermayr be employeed with a renown jet filter producer |
of a clinical waste incineration (LKH Bruck/Mur, Austria) DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger / Ing. Sabine Biermayr be employeed with a renown jet filter producer |
(MOL / Donau , Hungary) DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger / Ing. Sabine Biermayr be employeed with a renown jet filter producer |
(ASA Ranshofen, Austria) DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger / Ing. Sabine Biermayr be employeed with a renown jet filter producer |
(TVK refinery Hungary) DI. Dr. Robert Weinberger / Ing. Sabine Biermayr be employeed with a renown jet filter producer |